TrainFX primarily source all main sub-components within the UK with exception of a few minor items.
These minor items are procured by TrainFX from the Far East which we have confirmed with the freight companies they foresee no issues in relation to delays at ports.
TrainFX have asked the same questions to our main UK suppliers regarding the sub-components within their supply chain. Our main suppliers have responded that only a small percentage of their components come rely on European links.
Based on this, TrainFX and our supply chain are all confident that any issues will be nominal.
Most of our orders are on a bonded order basis, where stock is held and called off as necessary, therefore the stock is already in situ with our suppliers. It is also worth noting that we annually review the Brexit risk as part of ISO9001 Risk Management requirements.
Current advice states to expect an agreed transitional period where all trading arrangements will remain in place till end of 2020, however that depends upon a deal being in place by March 29 2019.
For any further enquiries pertaining to specific ongoing or forthcoming projects, please contact your point of contact for the contract.